Agnes Kunze 1962

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Contested Independent Society Registration

   With all those dynamically potential persons, the gap with the people of beggar mentality was a daily effort to bridge. After the initial effort to learn to work and toil over cotton and wool yarns spinning and weaving, they were missing the condescension gaze of the road passers-by…
   Sales were not bright; weather was cruel to us without basic amenities, and also discontent from higher quarters made themselves felt, when we really meant going off the beaten track: Leprosy patients charitable work being feeding and clothing and praise the Almighty, while being occupied, to prevent mischief mongering among the inmates.
   The time (70’s) were calling for more; and in spite of reluctance or downright opposition from the local authorities and society at large, we meant to try and make way for each and everyone’s latent talents suppressed by centuries of rejection, despise and fear.
  “ What good can come out of a Leprosy Colony?” 
   If Agnes’ Inner circle friends were trusting her to the hilt, it was not the case of other institutionalized funding agencies. So, when, torn in doubts, Oxfam (England) appeared out of the blue, first as a self-help granting Organization (6 more looms, minor irrigation system, cow-shed material costs) we felt at last understood and supported with simple cost effective help.
   The Trade-Branch of Oxfam: “Oxfam Activities”, went as far as promising to buy from our production a thousand of Durries (mats) per year, once we are formally independently Registered, and have obtained a Textile Export License,
  On such an assurance of course we flew on.
 But this semi autonomous self help gainful activities and plans were not to the taste of established Institutions, who tried to hinder our efforts seeking a normal place in society.

Particularly, in the matter of building a second necessary workshop, whose financing was first promised and then cancelled; thus, we were let down by yes-men organizations, and then, once more, Oxfam came to our rescue, stepping in to help and propose to finance the Workshop.
   Patronization of our Society to be founded was spurned, and the piece of land we meant to acquire - and thus have a Legal Independent address -, to be bought quite cheaply by Agnes’ Circle friends’ funds for KKM Handweaving Society got vetoed; a few influential friends tried to explain Agnes’ stand, but to no avail.

So the land purchase went on in the name of Ms Agnes Kunze (and later  transferred
 in our society’s name) after we roped in the few necessary Founder Members and expedited - thanks to Bangaraiahji - the actual Registration of “KKM Handweaving Society” on 31.5.1971
   A long-term volunteer, David Mc Phail, engaged in the construction of the second workshop saw to the Export license, and Roy Scott sent an annual order for 1200 Durries on behalf of Oxfam Activities.
   And then Pierre went away for a long sabbatical.

(Registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860)

A non-registered charitable Institution, called "Kripaon ki Mata Leprosy Colony", has been in existence since the year 1962 under the direction of the Catholic Diocese of Meerut (U.P.) and supported by the German Leprosy Relief. Association (DAHW), which gave grants for the land and the buildings, for Medical treatment and maintenance of the inmates, with the Special intention to make them in due course, as far as possible, self-supporting.

Development Aid, ear-marked for setting up a Training Centre for Leprosy patients and ex-patients, was given directly to the Superintendent of the Colony, Miss Agnes Kunze, by OXFAM, England, and private groups and persons in India and abroad.

Volunteer-helpers to work for the relief and rehabilitation of the inmates of the Colony have come both from European countries and from India. From the beginning it has been a prime motive with these workers that the Leprosy patients and ex-patients should be made economically self supporting to the extent possible, by providing work and wages.

Developing and progressing during the course of the years, a successful Handweaving and Spinning Department has been set up with a dozen looms and fifty spinning wheels and other accessories, as a Training-cum-Production Centre, and the products are marketted both in India and abroad. This has enabled the Colony inmates, both men and women, to earn part of their livelihood, and thus to become earning and respected members of Society.

Since the Handweaving and related occupations need special development and funds, and have to be managed on sound financial basis and principles of business management, it has been proposed to register this department—with the DAHW (German Leprosy Relief Association) as a corporate institutional member—as a separate non-profit Association under the Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, as for the following Constitution, Memorandum and Rules of Association.

1. Name: The name of the Association shall be "K.K.M. HANDWEAVING", hereinafter also called "the Society", and it shall be a non-profit organisation, registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of I860.

2. Location: The registered office of the Society shall be situated at No. 11, Nalapani Road, Dehra Dun (U.P.). It shall be open to the Board of Management of the Society to shift the registered office to any other place.

3.  Aims and Objects:    The Aims and Objects of the Society shall be:

(a) To rehabilitate leprosy patients and ex-patients, and whenever possible the members of their families, by providing them with suitable opportunities for training and development and employ¬ment on need-based wages, in handweaving, spinning and other occupations, thus to enable them to become economically self-supporting and socially self-respecting, and for this purpose to under¬take the purchase of equipment and raw materials and the manufacture and sale of goods.

(b) To promote the interests and protect the rights and privileges of leprosy patients and ex-patients, who are members of the Society, and to bring about unity and mutual helpfulness among themselves and with members of similar societies as well as to make necessary presentations on their behalf to Governmental and Municipal Authorities and other interested agencies and individuals.

(c) To take such measures as are necessary and possible for providing medical aid, maintenance, and financial aid to any member in distress or adversity, as also to the members of his family on his death.

(d) To work in co-operation and collaboration with other societies, institutions and organisations, both national and international, having similar objects, and to participate in and also to organise conferences, seminars, research studies, etc. in the pursuit of the above aims and objects.

(e) To publish books, pamphlets and journals, and produce posters, slides and films dealing with the welfare, treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients and ex-patients.

(f) To acquire, receive and hold property of any kind, including securities and negotiable instruments, and also to possess and maintain lands, buildings and equipment for and on behalf of the Society, and to create a Trust or Trusts for the same.

(g) To establish branches and centres of activity of the Society at other places in India and abroad, to promote the objects of the Society and entrust these branches and centres with functions and constitutions as may be decided by the Board of management.

(h)    To do   all such things and   to perform all such acts as are incidental and conducive to the furtherance of any or all the objects of the Society.


We, the several persons whose names and addresses are given below, have associated ourselves for the objects and purposes described in this Memorandum of Association, and we do hereby subscribe our names to this Memorandum and set our hands hereunto and form ourselves into a Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, on this day of 29th April, 1971 at Dehra Dun (U.P)

No.   Name, Address and Occupation                         Designation                       Signature
1.      Mr. Fred De Mello                                            Chairman
        74, Restcamp, Dehradun
        Rtd. Administrator of MacLaren
        Leprosy Hospital, Dehradun

2.    Major T. Ramchandra                                         Vice- Chairman
       9 A T.C. Bldg., Connaught Circus
       New Delhi-I
      Gen. Secretary B.S.S

3.   Shri. Pierre Reyniers                                              Second Vice- Chairman
      11, Nalapani Road,
      Dehradun. Social Worker

4.     Miss Agnes Kunze                                                  General Secretary-
        11, Nalapani Road,    Treasurer
        Dehradun. Social Worker

5.     Ustad Salim Yohan                                                   Joint Secretary
        11, Nalapani Road,
        Dehradun. Weaving Instructor

6.     Shri Kosuru Bangaraiah                                           Joint Secretary
       11, Nalapani Road,
       Dehradun. Paramedical  Worker

7.    Mr. David MacPhail                                                  Member
      11, Nalapani Road,
      Dehradun. Social Worker